Looker tips for users, developers and admins

Undo & Redo in Explores
A handy trick in Looker Explores to give you undo and redo functionality.

Substitution and sql_table_name

Requiring Field Usage
A clever way to make sure that users can’t run incorrect Explore queries and get some feedback if they try.

Custom Timeframes for Dimension Groups
How to use SQL and LookML to define an arbitrary custom timeframe as part of a LookML dimension group.

if dev/if prod SQL conditionals
The if dev/if prod SQL conditionals for changing generated SQL for development and production mode.

Custom Code Folding
How to fold your LookML and SQL code in arbitrary places to keep your files organised and easy to navigate.

Debugging Deftly
A few tips that will help you debugging various problems when developing LookML

Love Liquid
Some of the many uses for the Liquid templating language within Looker